YouTube Program for Nonprofits

February 18, 2011

Social Media for Nonprofits

November 5, 2010

There is no denying the power of social media – though I’ve observed that while social media is easy to use; it is difficult to use well.  Evidence of this is the fact that over 50 percent of Twitter accounts that are created are quickly abandoned and remain unused.

The low cost (free) of entry is very attractive – but nothing is free.  What I mean is that most social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) don’t charge you to open an account, but all require an investment in time and creating a compelling message.

If you organization can make the commitment to the time it takes to manage social media and the patience to cultivate the community of your followers – soon you’ll find the numbers of your community growing.

Here are some links about how nonprofits can use social media and some case studies of organizations creatively leveraging social media.  Please use the comments section to share your questions about social media or share how you’re using social media.

5 Must-Follow Non-Profits Making a Difference With Social Media [Mashable Awards]

Nonprofits, Facebook, Best Practices, and What a Difference It All Can Make

Social Media & Nonprofits: How Social Media Can Help

Social Media Best Practices for Non-Profit & Public Sector Organizations